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Showing posts from August, 2013

Fresh Peach Muffins

Oh how I love peach season! Not only do we love to  just eat fresh juicy peaches, but oh the yummy things  you can make with them.  With school back in session, some of our favorite traditions will return .  One of my favorite traditions is,  Muffin Monday.  Each week the kids take turns picking their favorite muffin.  With only three kids, that leaves me one week that I can try new recipes that I have found over the month.   I have tried to find  a good peach muffin recipe, but failed every time. But,  persistence pays off, because this recipe is a gem.  The muffin is moist with just the right amount of peaches  and the crumble topping makes the muffin over the top. Give these a try, you won't be disappointed!  Look for more peach recipes as the season has just begun!

Chantilly Potatoes

Being an true Idahoan, I love my potatoes.  These were no exception.  However, they are different than any potatoes I've ever made before both in taste and preparation.  I mean, who ever heard of cooking mashed potatoes in the microwave?  It works though, and it made one less pan for me to wash.  Woot woot! I loved the combination of Swiss and Parmesan cheese in these potatoes and the broiling adds a really nice touch.  Try these sometime when you feel like changing up the ol' mashed potato routine.  They might just become a new favorite!

Grilled Teriyaki Chicken

Need another great grilling recipe?  This was a hit for my little family.  Great flavor and very juicy.  I cooked the extra marinade and drizzled it over the chicken and rice. With some grilled pineapple on the side this was a great Summer meal that we'll be making again for sure!