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Divine (but easy!) Chocolate Pudding

The name says it all.  This pudding is not only incredibly easy to make, it is also decadent and silky smooth.  The hint of almond extract mixed in with the rich creamy chocolate is both unique and delicious.  You can eat it plain, but topped with almond flavored whipped cream and toasted almonds it was absolutely perfect!

Divine (but easy!) Chocolate Pudding
from Chocolate Never Faileth 

1 C. whipping cream
1 C. chocolate chips
1 egg
1/4 C. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
2 TBSP. amaretto flavoring or 1 TSP. almond extract

In a small saucepan, bring the whipping cream to a boil. (If you have a ³sure simmer² setting on your microwave, use that instead and set it for 15 seconds of simmering). While the whipping cream is heating, pour the remaining ingredients into a blender. Transfer the hot cream to a Pyrex measuring cup with a spout. Turn on the blender and very slowly drizzle the simmering cream in a thin stream into the blender. Let the mixture blend for another few seconds until smooth. Pour into a glass bowl or demitasse serving cups. Chill for at least an hour. Garnish with whipped cream and a chocolate-dipped strawberry. Or do what I do: grab a spoon and dig in!

*Note:  If the cream is hot enough the egg will actually cook in the blender, so no need to worry about raw eggs.  However, if your pudding doesn't want to thicken up it probably means the egg didn't actually get cooked.


Becky said…
This is the best pudding recipe ever! Something else to remember though is that the chocolate chips being cold can make it not set up either...
Simply Gourmade said…
That's very true! Cold chocolate chips will lower the temperature making it so the egg doesn't cook as well. I'm glad you liked it!

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